[Freedombox-discuss] Element (matrix-synapse client) problems. More info, pointing to server.

A. F. Cano afc54 at comcast.net
Thu Oct 1 22:02:18 BST 2020

On Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 08:25:02PM +0100, Phil Morrell wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 08:16:30AM -0400, A. F. Cano wrote:
> > Surprisingly, when I woke up this morning, the element icon didn't have
> > the red X any more and the not accessible error message was gone.  I
> > could add the room and invite a user to an existing room, so things are
> > back to normal.  Not sure what happened.  Some libs got upgraded on the
> > FreedomBox overnight but they don't appear to be obviously related to
> > matrix-synapse.
> > 
> > I have encountered this situation (the red X appearing randomly and then
> > disappearing a few days later) but it didn't affect video conferencing
> > between established users in existing rooms.  This time I found out that
> > it does affect room creation and invitations, at least.
> I don't know about videoconferencing, but if you're frequently seeing
> the client go Offline, you might be seeing the perfomance issue with
> presence tracking. This would have knock-on effects for basically any
> interaction with your matrix-synapse, I've started collecting the
> relevant scaling issues together upstream:
> https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/8428

Not knowing anything about matrix internals or presence tracking, I
can't confirm it has anything to do with what I'm seeing but I'm running
the Freedombox on an apu1d4 (4GB RAM) and the only active room has only
3 users, and it's used once a week.  I have not taken any steps to
federate with any other servers.  I haven't noticed any slow down in
any of the services on the FreedomBox.

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