[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox 20.15 released

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Tue Oct 6 01:33:38 BST 2020

FreedomBox 20.15 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. Typically, it will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.


- calibre: Add new e-book library app
- mumble: configure letsencrypt component
- upgrades: Detect and upgrade to next stable release

Other Changes

- bepasty: Change default permissions to 'read'
- container: Assign virtual network interface to trusted firewall zone
- container: Handle edge cases with container update
- coturn: Don't handle certificates if not installed
- debian/control: Add sshpass as build dependency
- doc: Before fetching, drop all old to cleanup deleted pages/images
- doc: dev: Link to list of potential apps from tutorial
- dynamicdns: Drop unnecessary code to set app as enabled
- locale: Update translations for French, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
- module_loader, web_framework: Update console log messages
- mumble: Store and use a single domain for TLS certificate setup
- pagekite: Don't announce unconfigured kite as a valid domain
- pagekite: Don't update names module if not installed
- quassel: Don't handle certificates if not installed
- ssh: action script: Require user credentials when editing ssh keys
- tests: functional: Simplify calling the login helper
- tor: Don't check if enabled when not installed
- upgrades: Check free space before dist-upgrade
- upgrades: Extend function to check for normal dist availability
- upgrades: Set a flag so interrupted dist-upgrade can be continued
- users: Deal with admin user already existing during first boot
- users: Require admin credentials when creating or editing a user

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:

- Burak Yavuz
- Coucouf
- Fioddor Superconcentrado
- James Valleroy
- Joseph Nuthalapati
- Michael Breidenbach
- Petter Reinholdtsen
- Phil Morrell
- ssantos
- Sunil Mohan Adapa
- Veiko Aasa

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