[Freedombox-discuss] Use git instead of Salsa

Quiliro Ordóñez quiliro at riseup.net
Fri Aug 19 00:21:14 BST 2022

El 2022-08-15 00:07, Petter Reinholdtsen escribió:
> [Quiliro Ordóñez]
>> I typed this:
>> git clone https://salsa.debian.org/sunilmohan/freedombox
>> But I do not know what to do see the branch in question and see the
>> diff.  Please explain.
> You can go into the freedombox directory and run 'git branch -a' to see
> the available branch names, 'git checkout <branchname>' to switch to the
> given branch, 'git log -p' to see each commit in this branch and 'git
> diff <branchname1> <branchname2>' to see differences between branches.
> Lots of good recipes about git on the web.

Thank you very much.  I learned a lot with your guide.

I cannot see the issues.  Is there a way to see the issues with git or
some other way without Javascript?

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