[Freedombox-discuss] PDF on android device

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Thu Mar 10 13:34:29 GMT 2022


I seek your advice for getting a PDF on android device.

Summary of https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.freedombox.freedombox/
is "A companion app for your FreedomBox server"

Would that android app help with getting a PDF from a freedombox
to a android?

Use case is having a PDF with a (QR)code that most be shown
at e.g. entrance  (Concert ticket,  Cinema ticket)
The PDF is available at FBX.

Which solution are you, freedombox-discuss at alioth-lists.debian.net
subscribers, using for this "problem"?

Do known that the true "problem" of me is a mix of
* using a "smart" phone as just as a telephone
* using a computer for email (PDF arrived by email (no emailclient on
* the smartphone.)
* not anymore having a working printer

Do known that I would be helped with responses like:
* The android "foo" app and freedombox app "baz" combination works for me
* Android emailclient "bazfoo" can show PDF-attachments
* Put the PDF on a webserver, use the duck-duck-go-webbrowser and you are good

Geert Stappers

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