[Freedombox-discuss] Since the dist-upgrade of 2 days ago, no packets flow in<->out

A. F. Cano afc54 at comcast.net
Wed Jun 21 19:44:05 BST 2023

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 10:19:29PM -0400, James Valleroy via Freedombox-discuss wrote:
> ...
> > FreedomBox.  Presumably the same can be achieved by a ==reload?
> There is a firewalld.service located at /usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service.

Yes, I realized that I can use systemctl after I wrote the previous email.
I'm used to looking into /etc/init.d first and didn't see anything there
about firewalld.

> ...
> This is the wrong policy to be changing. You are supposed to create a new policy.

Ok, I'll keep playing with firewalld.  Now that I understand it a little
better and realize that I can test options in a non-permanent way, I'm
less afraid of completely breaking everything catastrophically.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.


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