[Freedombox-discuss] GNU DIP Server

Dieter Thimm dthimm at gmx.de
Fri Jun 14 09:59:52 BST 2024

Hi all,

to be more precise, it is not possible to create an gnu dip account on
ddns.freedombox.org with "username.hostname"!

I tried a bunch of different OS and web-browser, no one works.

Who is able to check the server logs to find out where the problem is

Best regards,


Am 12.06.24 um 21:37 schrieb Dieter Thimm via Freedombox-discuss:
>      Hi all!
> since one week i try to create an account on
> https://ddns.freedombox.org/.
> There is no way to create an account. I have try ed different Browsers,
> Firefox, Falcon, Brave.
> Have reading all the hints, but no luck.
> Could it be, that the Server isn't completely up?
> Best regards,
> Dieter
>      Recap: How to create a DNS name with GnuDIP
> 1.
>    Access to GnuIP login page <https://ddns.freedombox.org> (answer Yes
>    to all pop ups)
> 2. Click on "Self Register"
> 3. Fill the registration form (Username and domain will form the public
>    IP address [username.domain])
> 4.
>    Take note of the username/hostname and password that will be used on
>    the FreedomBox app.
> 5. Save and return to the GnuDIP login page to verify your username,
>    domain and password (enter the datas, click login).
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