[Fsf-Debian] Silent here

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Sun Nov 25 20:47:42 UTC 2012

Hi Stefano and list,

Op 24-11-12 13:16, Stefano Zacchiroli schreef:

> But yes, given the FSF de facto act as a "certification authority" of
> per-distro criteria, we do need specific guidance. And I'd love to have
> it publicly, possibly on this list.

I think using the FSF as a "certification authority" is not a good idea.
When the FSF would give Debian the certification it would be a  weak
certification what Debian could loose the next year.

And not a good idea for the FSF. For some people in the FSF Debian will
not be free enough. Making Debian FSF-free would split the FSF in two camps.

In my opinion it would be better when the FSF could write: "Debian
makes real progress. They are very close to be a free distribution".
That's good for both of us.

There are a few distro's like Trisquel and gNewSense who are still
important at the moment. When Debian would be FSF-free they would loose
much of their right to excist. Maybe we could work more closer with one
of them. Maybe one of them could become a "Debian pure blend", or maybe
we could create a 100% Debian pure blend what is FSF free, and all
differences could be bugs in Debian.

Let the FSF be an organization what gives Debian positive feedback on
how it can become better. And I think: it can always better. Debian has
many sides, being FSF-free is only one side.

Let's not do nothing because we are still not FSF-free after that. Let's
take steps in the good direction, and let's not wait for "guidance".
Let's do what we think is right.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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