[Fusioninventory-devel] FusionInventory cooperation

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Mon Feb 15 16:23:33 UTC 2010

2010/2/15 Mario Gzuk <mariogzuk at technikz.de>:
> Hi Gonéri.
>>Can you give a better description of what the agent do and how you want
>>information exchange to be done.
>>Do you know if you need architecture changes in the 2.x branch of the
>>for achieve that?
> It should be possible to run the agent in 2 modes. One is that the agent
> send the data in xml direct to a specified URL to a server (maybe also
> whith authentification support).
This is how OCS protocol works so it's probably easy to implement.

> The second one is that it should be
> possible to store the files in a share (local,cifs,nfs,webdav or [s]ftp)
> so that a scheduled process on the server side reads in the changed
> files/data.
Maybe it's possible to use OCS software deployment for that? The
FusionInventory 2.x implementation can support P2P to speed up data

> Can you point me to the docs/code where I can see the formats and the
> xml structure of the agent? In which way the data is send to the server
> - via HTTP[S] PUT or an other way? What do the server part needs to
> handle the incoming data?
There is no documentation yet. Agent and server use XML to exchange
informations. Those files are submitted throught HTTP POST.

1 The agent request job:
1a) The agent contact the server with some information like its
DEVICEID. This is called the PROLOG.
1b) The server anwser and give order like "do me an inventory"

2The agent submit job result:
2a) The agent submit an XML to the server
2b) Depending on the struct of the XML, the agent will correctly process it.

You can run these steps when you want.

I suggest you to grab the agent and edit
lib/{Ocsinventory,FusionInventory}/Agent/Network.pm to add print
For example, in send function:
print "send():\n"
print $message->getContent()."\n";

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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