[Fusioninventory-devel] Change in setup directories handling

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Sat Oct 23 17:39:22 UTC 2010

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 09:39:33PM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Here is the issue with setup directory handling in the agent:
> http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/273
> I just made some radical changes in my branch to fix this issue, and
> enhance the situation:
> - basevardir and share-dir options don't exist anymore
--basevardir was useful for the case the user was not allowed to write
on the default directory. How do you deal with this situation now?

> - config.pm doesn't have any hadrcoded list of directories to scan
> - instead, the various executables (agent and win32-service)
> automatically pass correct hardcoded values when instanciating the agent
Yes, both changes make sence to me too.

> - in the git tree, those values match local tree, so it just works,
> without the need for --devlib option
How do you detect when you are in the git tree?

> - when installing, the 'make install' target automatically rewrite those
> values to match installation location correctly
> - those values can be altered by passing options to Makefile.PL:
> perl Makefile.PL CONFDIR=/etc/fusioninventory
> DATADIR=/usr/share/fusioninventory VARDIR=/var/lib/fusioninventory
On Windows we set basvardir and config-file in the registry during the
I've the feeling it will be way more tortuous since we have to patch
the fusioninventory-win32-server and fusioninventory-agent after the

> Comments welcome, especially for the windows impact. I have no clue if
> 'perl Makefile.PL && make && make install' is used in Windows installer
> creation process.
It's the case except dmake.exe is used instead of the common make.

Best regards,

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