[Fusioninventory-devel] Perl modules dependance and

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 08:31:30 UTC 2012

Le 17/08/2012 10:03, Tomás Abad a écrit :
>>     All the required and recommended Perl modules for FusionInventory
>> Agent and FusionInventory Agent Task are resolved except one of them;
>> the Win32::Daemon, a recommended module for FusionInventory Agent.
>>     Why this module not and the rest of recommended modules yes?
> May it be because the file
> http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/F/FU/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.5.meta
> is not up to date?
No, it has the same timestamp as the source distribution:

The problems comes from the fact all the system-specific modules 
dependencies are defined conditionally in Makefile.PL:
if ($OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') {
     recommends 'Proc::Daemon'     => undef;
     recommends 'Proc::PID::File'  => undef;
} else {
     requires 'Win32::OLE' => undef;
     requires 'Win32::TieRegistry' => undef;
     requires 'Win32::Job' => undef;
     recommends 'Win32::Daemon'    => undef;

So, depending of the platform where the distribution has been generated, 
the resulting meta files will be different. Given than either Goneri or 
myself are linux users, the source distribution metadata will always be 
primarily linux-oriented.

BTW, both task-netdiscovery and task-netinventory are deprecated in 
favor of task-network, officially release yesterday (general annoucement 
pending CPAN availability).
BOFH excuse #92:

Stale file handle (next time use Tupperware(tm)!)

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