[Fusioninventory-devel] Perl modules dependance and

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 08:48:07 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Rousse
<guillomovitch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 17/08/2012 10:03, Tomás Abad a écrit :
>> May it be because the file
>> http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/F/FU/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.5.meta
>> is not up to date?
> No, it has the same timestamp as the source distribution:
> http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/F/FU/FUSINV:
> The problems comes from the fact all the system-specific modules
> dependencies are defined conditionally in Makefile.PL:
> if ($OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') {
>     recommends 'Proc::Daemon'     => undef;
>     recommends 'Proc::PID::File'  => undef;
> } else {
>     requires 'Win32::OLE' => undef;
>     requires 'Win32::TieRegistry' => undef;
>     requires 'Win32::Job' => undef;
>     recommends 'Win32::Daemon'    => undef;
> }
> So, depending of the platform where the distribution has been generated, the
> resulting meta files will be different. Given than either Goneri or myself
> are linux users, the source distribution metadata will always be primarily
> linux-oriented.

   Yes Guillaume but, why the module 'Win32::Job' is resolved and the
module 'Win32::Daemon' not whether both modules are under the same

==== 'show-missing-modules-dependence.bat' output ====
Perl executable:
Perl version   : 5.16.1 / MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
\_ Test-MockModule-0.05
\_ IO-Capture-0.05
\_ HTTP-Proxy-0.25
\_ HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen-0.04
 \_ Authen-Simple-0.5
  \_ Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08
  \_ Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3
\_ XML-TreePP-0.41
\_ Net-IP-1.25
\_ Win32-Job-0.04           <---------------(**)
== 'show-missing-modules-dependence.bat' output ====

> BTW, both task-netdiscovery and task-netinventory are deprecated in favor of
> task-network, officially release yesterday (general annoucement pending CPAN
> availability).

   Thanks Guillaume for the information, I'll change the code of the
new Windows installer.

Tomas Abad
Ingeniero de Sistemas / Systems Engineer

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