[Fusioninventory-devel] Building the FusionInventory Agent Windows package...

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Wed Jul 18 10:39:37 UTC 2012

Hi Tomás Abad,

First, thank you for the great helpful work you do. We are lucky to
have someone like you in the

>    Whether I'm not wrong, the Perl modules required for FusionInventory
The is some more if we include the Task::* distributions, for example Net::SNMP,

LibXML and XML::Simple are not required, we use XML::TreePP especially
to avoid them.
>       c) Is there any problem if I make use of these Perl modules
>          included in Strawberry Perl or it's better whether I make use
>          the last Perl modules releases?
So far, I worked this way:

1) I did a tarball of Perl and the requirement:
 a) I took the very last Strawberry Perl (5.12 at this time).
 b) Built all the dependency
 c) Dropped the useless stuff like database drivers
 d) Create an tarball from that.
2) And now, everytime I generate an installer, I extract this tarball,
add FusionInventory
sources and recompress the result.

Today, this solution has some limitation. First it's hard to follow
the changes or to
upgrade to a new Perl version. For example, I had a hard time to
upgrade from Crypt::SSLeay to
IO::Socket::SSL. I think a more sensible solution would be:
1) A script fetch the last strawberry Perl, call the "cpan" command to
install the FusionInventory
distribution. The dependencies will be pulled from the "cpan".
2) I clean he unwanter stuff
3) call NSIS to generate the installer from that

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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