[Fusioninventory-devel] [Fusioninventory-commit] [fusinv/fusioninventory-agent] 956e10: keep directories named as command only

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 21:09:17 UTC 2012

Le 28/07/2012 15:42, Gonéri Le Bouder a écrit :
> 2012/7/28 Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch at gmail.com>:
>>    Log Message:
>>    -----------
>>    keep directories named as command only
> Hi Guillaume,
> It was confusing for me to see two directories with the same name but
> a different content,
> that's why I renamed it.
There is a README files explaining the content of each directories...

>>    Log Message:
>>    -----------
>>    drop useless / character
> This was plain Data::Dumper output indented with perltidy. How do you
> generate the output
> you use?
With Data::Dumper, but only for test creation, and not thereafter. The 
full dump of the data structure disrupts test output, and is unlikely to 
be useful for any end user. I guess something as Test::Differences would 
bring a more useful result here.

BOFH excuse #354:

Chewing gum on /dev/sd3c

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