[Fusioninventory-devel] Harmonization between README files and the forge

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 15:35:53 UTC 2012

Hello fellow co-developpers.

I made some efforts to make the README files for the agent and the 4 
tasks compatible with 2.2.0 release a bit more consistent with each 
others, and with their forge project page also. The goal is to achieve a 
similar format first, and a similar vocabulary second.

For the README file, the structure is:
- description
- dependencies
- installation (to do for the tasks)
- other informations
- authors
- license

For the last two points, I removed any external AUTHORS file, and 
included the content directly in the README file. I also removed any 
copy of the license text, to explicitely refers to extenal LICENSE file.

For the forge page, the structure is
- descriotion
- download
- link to more documentation

Some vocabulary points:

Each task description begins with 'This task allows the agent to 
perform'. The word 'module' or 'plugin' are banned, in favor of 'task'.

The term 'prebuild' is also banned, in favor of "binary distribution", 
by opposition to 'source distribution'. The terms 'self-contained' or 
'standalone' distributions may be more descriptive, but then we need a 
term for the other kind of distribution ('minimal distribution' ?). 
Anyway, I still have to document those distributions issues somewhere, 
probably in agent README/forge page.

Comments welcome.

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