[Fusioninventory-devel] Display Server response

Mario Gzuk mariogzuk at technikz.de
Wed Nov 14 10:24:45 UTC 2012


Am 14.11.2012 11:15, schrieb Gonéri Le Bouder:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 08:59:16AM +0100, Mario Gzuk wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi Mario!
>> for some time the agent displays the server response messages if I run it
>> from the command line. Where this "feature" is gone?
> did you try --debug --debug (2 time in a row)

This works fine!!! Thanks!
>> I want to provide also the API-REST interface to urnaos and now I doesnt
>> know in which way (and with which protocoll: xml or json) the agent is talking
>> to the server....
>> The first step I want to do is to provide the simple cfg:
>> http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-agent/wiki/API-REST
>> Have I set some thing in the config that the agent has to use this API? How
>> you decide how to communicate whith the client?
> So far, and this still be the case for 2.3.x serie. The agent use both:
> - initial contact: OCS XML
> - inventory upload: OCS XML
> - Wake on Lan: OCS XML
> - Netdiscovery and Netinventory: OCS XML
> - ESX Inventory: get the order using JSON and upload the inventory using
>    JSON
> - Deploy: pure JSON
Ah... ok. I only have the 2.2.6 running now. I thought that it was 
allready in there... Are there some prebuild packages for 2.3.x series? 
I only found: http://prebuilt.fusioninventory.org/devel/2.2.x/

So if the deploy task is running pure json, I allready dont know how to 
start a deploy task via the prolog or the <REPLY><RESPONSE> answer. Is 
there some doc how to do this?

Thank you!

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