[Fusioninventory-devel] Window Perl install size

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 20:47:56 UTC 2012

   Hello Gonéri,

   It seems PAR::Parcker gives its fruits.

On 14/11/12 15:15, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 02:32:03PM +0100, Tomás Abad wrote:
> Hi Tomás,
> I thought this was not required. libssh2, libmysql
> or libpq (PostgreSQL) are not needed. I think PAR::Packer
> can identify the real dependencies by itself in most of
> the cases.
>> --------------------- include2par -------------------
>> c/bin/libcharset-1__.dll
>> c/bin/libeay32__.dll
>> c/bin/libexpat-1__.dll
>> c/bin/libexslt-0__.dll
>> c/bin/libfreetype-6__.dll
>> c/bin/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
>> c/bin/libgd-2__.dll
>> c/bin/libgfortran-3.dll
>> c/bin/libgif-6__.dll
>> c/bin/libglut-0__.dll
>> c/bin/libgomp-1.dll
>> c/bin/libiconv-2__.dll
>> c/bin/libjpeg-8__.dll
>> c/bin/liblzma-5__.dll
>> c/bin/libmysql__.dll
>> c/bin/libpng15-15__.dll
>> c/bin/libpq__.dll
>> c/bin/libquadmath-0.dll
>> c/bin/libssh2-1__.dll
>> c/bin/libssp-0.dll
>> c/bin/libstdc++-6.dll
>> c/bin/libt1-5__.dll
>> c/bin/libtiff-5__.dll
>> c/bin/libtiffxx-5__.dll
>> c/bin/libxml2-2__.dll
>> c/bin/libXpm__.dll
>> c/bin/libxslt-1__.dll
>> c/bin/pthreadGC2-w64.dll
>> c/bin/ssleay32__.dll
>> c/bin/zlib1__.dll

   You are right Gonéri. At the moment only

      .- libeay32__.dll
      .- libstdc++-6.dll
      .- ssleay32__.dll
      .- zlib1__.dll

are required for x64, and only

      .- libeay32_.dll
      .- libstdc++-6.dll
      .- ssleay32_.dll
      .- zlib1_.dll

are required for x86. Perhaps I have forgotten some one but I don't know
now; I have to do more tests.

> I don't think these lines are needed.
>> perl/bin/perl.exe
>> perl/bin/perl5.16.2.exe
>> perl/bin/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
>> perl/bin/libstdc++-6.dll
>> perl/bin/perl516.dll

   These are required in x64 and x86 architectures.

      .- perl.exe
      .- perl5.16.2.exe
      .- libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
      .- libstdc++-6.dll
      .- perl516.dll

>> --------------------- include2par -------------------

   PAR::Packer doesn't do all itself, it needs some of help to complete
all the required Perl modules.

   With that extra help, now the new
strawberry-perl- has a size of
10696KiB, a 73.57% smaller than
strawberry-perl- (40470KiB).

   The new installers have also a smaller size,

      .- fusioninventory-agent_windows-x64_2.2.7-2_experimental.exe
            Size 8551KiB (a 58.55% smaller)

      .- fusioninventory-agent_windows-x86_2.2.7-2_experimental.exe
            Sice 9277KiB (a 56.57% smaller)

and they install faster.

   You can download these new installers from (I'm testing them):


   In a some days I public the new commit. Visit,


      .- https://github.com/tabad/fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer

   Best regards.

  Tomás Abad

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