[Fusioninventory-devel] Adding criteria ing entities computer rules for fusion inventory.

Lafarguette Stéphane stephane.lafarguette at ac-clermont.fr
Fri Feb 28 11:04:47 UTC 2014


First thanks for your work.

Is it possible to add network mask in criteria for entities computer 
rules to affect hardware to entities when sub network isn't fully 
reserved for entities ie 172.16.84.x/ ?

Thanks a lot !


  Stéphane Lafarguette

    Responsable du Service Informatique

    Direction des Services Départementaux
    de l'Éducation Nationale du Cantal

      11, place de la Paix 15000 Aurillac
      Tél : (33) - Fax : (33)

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