[Fusioninventory-devel] Chocolatey package for FusionInventory Agent

DUVERGIER Claude devel.fusioninventory.ml at claude.duvergier.fr
Thu Mar 13 01:30:00 UTC 2014

Hello FusionInventory devteam and fans,

I've recently started to use Chocolatey (<http://chocolatey.org>) to
easily install softwares on Windows workstations (it's kind of apt-get
for Windows).

As an exercise and in order to normalize my install scripts I've
developed a package for FusionInventory Agent v2.3.5
(http://chocolatey.org/packages/fusioninventory-agent) and one can now
install the agent via the following command:

C:\> cinst fusioninventory-agent

By default this runs the installer with "/acceptlicense" and "/S"
parameters for a fully quiet installation but Chocolatey offers the
possibility to add other parameters:

C:\> cinst fusioninventory-agent -installArgs '/installtasks=Full
/no-category=Printer /no-start-menu /runnow

It's also possible to override the "/acceptlicense" and "/S" defaults
arguments with "-overrideArguments":

C:\> cinst fusioninventory-agent -overrideArguments -installArgs

(this last one will start the installer in visual mode with license
already accepted)

Please don't hesitate to comment this package if you find it useful or
not :)

Package is publicly available as a GitHub repository:

Duvergier Claude

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