[Fusioninventory-user] Command-line parameters for silent setup of fusioinventory-agent on Windows

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Wed Jul 28 16:29:37 UTC 2010

Le Wed, 28 Jul 2010 17:26:12 +0200
Christoph Haas <chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de> a écrit:

>I'd like to roll out the fusioninventory-agent on some 300
>Windows-clients via silent-setup. 
>Sadly http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-
>was empty. So I filled in, what I knew, but ...
>Since the Null Soft Installer is used, the "/S"-switch initiates a
>silent setup. 
>But I would also like to submit the parameters for the
>realm=Protected Area
>"FusionInventory-AgentSetup-20100520-132625.exe /S /Server=https://myown-ocs-
>server.mydomain.de/ocsinventory" did not work.
>What are the needed command-line-parameters?
>Many thanks

Command line not yet coded, I will do it next night ;)


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