[Fusioninventory-user] Command-line parameters for silent setup of fusioinventory-agent on Windows

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Fri Jul 30 07:50:57 UTC 2010

Le Fri, 30 Jul 2010 09:41:49 +0200
Christoph Haas <chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de> a écrit:

>Good mornging David,
>Am Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010, um 16:28:26 schrieb David DURIEUX:
>> Le Thu, 29 Jul 2010 16:17:26 +0200
>> Christoph Haas <chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de> a écrit:
>> >Hello David,
>> >
>> >Am Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010, um 16:08:46 schrieb David DURIEUX:
>> >> >hmm, very strange: something must haves been going wrong here at
>> >> >my site: neither Davids setup-file "fusioninventory-
>> >> >agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100729-1445.exe", nor Goneris setup-file
>> >> >"fusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100729-1508.exe" do accept
>> >> >any of these switches :-(
>> >> >
>> >> >/h does not give any output, but starts normal installation.
>> >> >
>> >> >Even the silent-setup-switch /s does not work with both
>> >> >setup-files, but starts also normal installation.
>> >> >
>> >> >If any of the of the other parameters do work, I can't check,
>> >> >since silent- setup does not work anymore ...
>> >> >
>> >> >With the old FusionInventory-AgentSetup-20100520-132625.exe the
>> >> >silent-setup- parameter /s works, but of course nothing else.
>> >> >
>> >> >Cheers
>> >> >Christoph.
>> >> 
>> >> something don't work with these files but work with my test setup
>> >> file. I'm working on it to find issue.
>> >> 
>> >> David
>> >
>> >thank you for your work on this issue!
>> >
>> >Finally, after many tries, I managed with a _upper_ "/S"  a
>> >silent-setup (what the heck did the trick - I can't tell, but ...):
>> >
>> >fusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100729-1508.exe /S
>> >/server=https://myserver.uk-bw.de/fusioninventory /no-ssl-check
>> >
>> >But the other switches did not work here at my site. There can
>> >nothing be found in the Windows-registry:
>> >
>> >Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>> >
>> >[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FusionInventory-Agent]
>> >"server"=""
>> >"tag"=""
>> >"user"=""
>> >"password"=""
>> >"realm"=""
>> >"ca-cert-file"=""
>> >"no-ssl-check"=""
>> >"proxy"=""
>> >"debug"=""
>> >"rpc-trust-localhost"=""
>> >"scan-homedirs"=""
>> >"basevardir"="C:\\Programme\\FusionInventory-Agent\\dumps"
>> >"share-dir"="C:\\Programme\\FusionInventory-Agent\\share"
>> >"logfile"="C:\\Programme\\FusionInventory-Agent\\agent-log.txt"
>> >"logfile-maxsize"="5"
>> >
>> >Also the help-switch /h did not work ...
>> >
>> >Cheers from Stuttgart/Germany
>> >Christoph.
>> get
>> http://prebuilt.fusioninventory.org/devel/windows-i386/fusioninventory-agen
>> t_2.1_rc3+devel-20100729-1608.exe
>> it seems to work (so user /s and not /S) and /h works ;)
>> David
>I'm going slightly mad ;-)
>this morning I fetched the prebuilt setup-file and tried on several
>different machines the following:
>--- snip ---
>Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
>(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
>D:\fusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100730-0809.exe /s 
>/server=https://myserver.uk-bw.de/fusioninventory /no-ssl-check
>--- snap ---
>.. but nothing changed to the behaviour mentioned in my previous mail: 
>/h does not work
>/s does not work
>other command-line parameters do not
>workfusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100730-0908.exe only the
>upper /S initiates a silent setup, but without any other parameters.
>The fusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100730-0908.exe does no
>better :-((
>Is there a way I can do any debuging whats going wrong?
>Btw.: all my machines have Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version
>2002 with Service Pack 3 and current updates. May this be the problem?
>I really appreciate your help!

In cmd command if you do :
fusioninventory-agent_2.1_rc3+devel-20100730-0908.exe /h

it don't works ?

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