[Fusioninventory-user] Command-line parameters for silent setup of fusioinventory-agent on Windows

Christoph Haas chhaas-ml at uk-bw.de
Fri Jul 30 10:07:20 UTC 2010

Am Freitag, 30. Juli 2010, um 10:25:41 schrieb David DURIEUX:
> Ok, I will install an XP with SP3 to test..
> David

thanks. On what OS did you do your tests? Vista? Win7?

I'm really not sure, why the setup-file should behave on XP SP3 other than on 
Vista or Win7 ... But this is at the moment my last clue
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
Christoph Haas
Linux User #99546
GnuPG-/PGP-fingerprint: 944B D713 F72F 4398 B156 8089 DA8B 68F1 1543 51C3

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