[Fusioninventory-user] Some clarification on equipment import...

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Tue Jul 3 15:27:36 UTC 2012

Le Tue, 3 Jul 2012 17:16:42 +0200
Marco Gaiarin <gaio at sv.lnf.it> a écrit:

>As stated in previous email, i'm testing fusion inventory on a little
>installation, with the idea to implement in a rather big (200+ pc) one.
>I've deployed the client, and all works as expected.
>1) pc data load flawlessy; a bit ''verbose'' on components side, but
> does not hurt.
>2) absolutely too verbose on software side, but i've put all
> autoinstalled software on 'FUSION' category and so i can hide
>3) on the 'connection side', even there's too much ''fuss''. eg:
> a) for printers, even the network and virtual one are taken into the
>   account
> b) for periperals, even mices got imported!
> c) for network connection, also miniport drivers and other virtual
>  ones got imported.
>For a) and b) seems that the right solution are simply build rules that
>import only devices that have a serial: mouse and network printers does
>not have one. Right?
>But for c) ? How can i build a rule that (can do the best for) import
>only the real interfaces? Someone have hints?

In the configuration of plugin, you can say : not import virtual

>last question. Looking for import rules, i've seen that there's, for
>every class of devices, at least one specific rule and, last, a generic
>On specific rule, see the 'Computer serial + uuid':, there's, for
> Assets to import : Serial Number	is already present in
> GLPI	Yes Assets to import : Serial Number
> exists				Yes Assets to import :
> UUID		is already present in GLPI	Yes Assets to
> import : UUID		exists
> Yes Assets to import : Item Type
> is				Computer
> FusionInventory link	Assign	Link if possible, else
> create device
>Criteria mean to me: if a computer have S/N and UUID, and S/N and UUID
> are just on GLPI
>But action confuse me: what mean 'Link if possible, else create
>device'? if the criteria require that S/N and UUID just exist on GLPI,
>how can be true the 'else create device' part?

Yes require a little explanation:

In criteria, you have 2 parts, the first and normal part:
* Assets to import : Serial Number exists => mean there is a serial
  number in data received by server (so come from agent)
* Assets to import : UUID exists => same than serial number but with
* Assets to import : Item Type is Computer => This device is a Computer
  (in case of agents send local inventory, it's always a computer in
  this case)

Second part, if all criteria of first part are ok, check part 2 (it's
"global criteria"):
* Assets to import : Serial Number is already present in GLPI
* Assets to import : UUID is already present in GLPI
=> rule engine search in computer inventory of GLPI if it find a
computer with this serial number and UUID

After you have actions: 

* All criteria are ok => in your case you have "Link if possible, else
  create device", so it link the data received with the computer found
  and update it with the new data

* One of criteria are not ok => rule not ok, so not play actions and go
  on next rule

>Probably is the way rules are written, but... confuse me a bit. ;-)


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