[Fusioninventory-user] Questions about netinventory & SNMP models

Mario Jorge de Sousa Freire mario.freire at camara.gov.br
Wed May 23 16:44:31 UTC 2012


1) I've heard that in the future users will be able to create their own SNMP models. Do you think this feature will be available on next main version (0.83+1.0)?

2) Is it possible to use SNMP models for computers (servers) and perhaps need less installed clients (using net inventory o get more information instead of using inventory)?

3) Why do I need to send the whole snmpwalk if only a part of these information will be useful? Can I send only the OIDs (not the values - because some information is confidential)?

4) Why net inventory is not implemented stepwise: first get standard MIB (by default) and then try to get additional information using SNMP models?

Please, if some questions are not clear, just tell me, ok?

Thanks in advance!

Mário Jorge de Sousa Freire
Analista de Informática Legislativa
Câmara dos Deputados
CENIN/CAINF/SEGES - (61) 3216-3763
mario.freire at camara.gov.br
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