[Fusioninventory-user] FusionInventory Agent 2.2.2

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Wed May 30 15:58:40 UTC 2012

Hello FusionInventory users,

I've just pushed a new 2.2.2 release on the CPAN to fix:
 - a problem with the screen inventory
 - an a bug found on WinXP that break the Deploy task

You can download the source tarball from the:
* the CPAN: https://metacpan.org/release/FusionInventory-Agent
* the Forge: http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-agent/files

Standalone distribution are ready (Windows, MacOSX, Linux, UNIX):
* http://prebuilt.fusioninventory.org/stable/

=What is FusionInventory Agent=
FusionInventory Agent is a tool designed to:
* to generate a local inventory file (HTML, XML)
* send inventory to one or more servers (FusionInventory for GLPI, and others)
* schedule other tasks execution (network devices discovery,
inventory, Wake on Lan, and deployement of package)

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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