[Fusioninventory-user] RES: Software deployment - Mirror server

Kevin Roy kiniou at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 09:41:58 UTC 2013

Hi Mario,

On 10 June 2013 18:14, Mario Jorge de Sousa Freire <
mario.freire at camara.leg.br> wrote:

> Hi, Gonéri!
> Thanks for answering, again!
> Well, I'm sorry but I still didn't understand how mirror server work for
> Fusion/GLPI. You've said: "The mirror feature comes with the software
> Deployment. You can use to reduce the bandwidth usage. The idea is to
> synchronize the repository during the night."
> Could you explain a little more?  I really didn't understand how and why
> the software is copied to the mirror server.
When you set up a mirror in FI4G, the mirror url is added to each
associated in the json describing the deploy task.
In FI4G 0.83 flavors, urls mirrors are all sent to the agent before the
GLPI server url.
In FI4G 0.84+1.0, urls are filtered by location and should (...there are
still some minors bug on this features as I'm writing this mail) be sent in
the following order:
* Mirrors filtered by computer's location
* Mirrors without any location
* GLPI Server

   "associatedFiles" : {

: {
         "uncompress" : 0,
         "mirrors" : [
            "http://mirror1.teclib-kroy.sandbox", //<-- Set on Paris
            "http://mirror3.teclib-kroy.sandbox", //<-- No location set
//<-- GLPI server
         "multiparts" : [

         "p2p-retention-duration" : 0,
         "p2p" : 0,
         "name" : "libreoffice-install.bat"

Then you just have to rsync files located in
glpi/files/_plugins/fusioninventory/files/repository to some server and set
up an Apache which will serve statically those synchronized files.
The agent will just ask for fileparts in the following order :
* P2P (if enabled)
* Mirrors
* GLPI Server

Kevin Roy
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