[Fusioninventory-user] Multiple instance fusioninventory agent with differents confs.

Vincent LOUPIEN vincent.loupien at upmf-grenoble.fr
Thu Apr 3 09:12:53 UTC 2014

Hello FusionInventory users,

Is it possible on the same machine (Linux) to run multiple v2.3.x agent in daemon mode with different conf?

I tried to start it with 2 differents conf files (use of option --conf-file and edit parameters httpd-port and logfile): the first is executed correctly but the latter refused to start with the following message in these logs "An agent is already runnnig, exiting ...", as if the execution daemon prevented by launching the same executable repeatedly mode.

If this is not possible, the solution is to recompile it from source packages with parameters (from the Makefile.PL) different?

Thank you in advance for your reply :-)


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