[Fusioninventory-user] Working with SNMP...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at sv.lnf.it
Mon Oct 27 17:10:38 UTC 2014

> > fusioninventory-netinventory --verbose --credentials version:2c,community:public --host
> Works! Or at least provede more data then before!

Ok, second step. From my GLPI instalation i'm using the FI daemon on a
remote network, in server kaa.

Kaa FI instance is run as a deaemon, and seems that correct task is

 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: FusionInventory Agent (
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Configuration directory: /etc/fusioninventory
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Data directory: /usr/share/fusioninventory
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Storage directory: /var/lib/fusioninventory-agent
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Lib directory: /usr/share/fusioninventory/lib
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: [target server0] Next server contact planned for Tue Oct 28 01:25:46 2014
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Time to call Proc::Daemon
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: Daemon started
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: Available tasks:
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - ESX: 2.2.1
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - Inventory: 1.0
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - WakeOnLan: 2.0
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - NetDiscovery: 2.2.0
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - NetInventory: 2.2.0
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: [http server] HTTPD service started at http://localhost:62354
	(this is wrong, 'netstat' correcly say that is listening to and i can telnet in)
 Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: FusionInventory Agent initialised

then i've defined a task to poll a switch in that network. manual poll works:

 root at kaa:~# fusioninventory-netinventory --verbose --credentials version:2c,community:public --host tinca
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
         <COMMENTS>ProCurve J9086A Switch 2610-24/12PWR, revision R.11.60, ROM R.10.06 (/sw/code/build/nemo(R_ndx))</COMMENTS>
         <CONTACT>ced at sv.lnf.it</CONTACT>

but still does nothing (eg, task complete OK but no data get imported).
In syslog (with debug=1) i see only:

 Oct 27 17:59:38 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: [http server] request /status from client

Because i've not found a way to use exclusively SNMPv2c, i've removed v1
definition from GLPI, but nothing changed.

What i'm missing now? Thanks.

dott. Marco Gaiarin				        GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''                    http://www.sv.lnf.it/
  Polo FVG   -   Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078   -   San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  marco.gaiarin(at)lanostrafamiglia.it   t +39-0434-842711   f +39-0434-842797

	(cf 00307430132, categoria ONLUS oppure RICERCA SANITARIA)

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