[Fusioninventory-user] Working with SNMP...

Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 08:20:36 UTC 2014

Le 27/10/2014 18:10, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
>>> fusioninventory-netinventory --verbose --credentials version:2c,community:public --host
>> Works! Or at least provede more data then before!
> Ok, second step. From my GLPI instalation i'm using the FI daemon on a
> remote network, in server kaa.
> Kaa FI instance is run as a deaemon, and seems that correct task is
> activated:
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: FusionInventory Agent (
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Configuration directory: /etc/fusioninventory
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Data directory: /usr/share/fusioninventory
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Storage directory: /var/lib/fusioninventory-agent
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Lib directory: /usr/share/fusioninventory/lib
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: [target server0] Next server contact planned for Tue Oct 28 01:25:46 2014
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3802]: Time to call Proc::Daemon
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: Daemon started
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: Available tasks:
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - ESX: 2.2.1
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - Inventory: 1.0
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - WakeOnLan: 2.0
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - NetDiscovery: 2.2.0
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: - NetInventory: 2.2.0
>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: [http server] HTTPD service started at http://localhost:62354
> 	(this is wrong, 'netstat' correcly say that is listening to and i can telnet in)
It is wrong if you're intepreting it as 'listening on localhost only', 
indeed. Feel free to suggest a better alternative.

>   Oct 27 17:59:29 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: FusionInventory Agent initialised
> then i've defined a task to poll a switch in that network. manual poll works:
>   root at kaa:~# fusioninventory-netinventory --verbose --credentials version:2c,community:public --host tinca
>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>     <CONTENT>
>       <AGENT>
>         <AGENTVERSION />  <START>1</START>
>       </AGENT>
>     </CONTENT>
>   </REQUEST>
>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>     <CONTENT>
>       <DEVICE>
>         <INFO>
>           <COMMENTS>ProCurve J9086A Switch 2610-24/12PWR, revision R.11.60, ROM R.10.06 (/sw/code/build/nemo(R_ndx))</COMMENTS>
>           <CONTACT>ced at sv.lnf.it</CONTACT>
>           <FIRMWARE>R.10.06</FIRMWARE>
>           <ID>0</ID>
>           <IPS>
>   [...]
> but still does nothing (eg, task complete OK but no data get imported).
That's expected, this tool just output its result on stdout. If you want 
to upload this result in GLPI, you have to use another tool.

> In syslog (with debug=1) i see only:
>   Oct 27 17:59:38 kaa fusinv-agent[3804]: [http server] request /status from client
> Because i've not found a way to use exclusively SNMPv2c, i've removed v1
> definition from GLPI, but nothing changed.
Just make sure your device is assigned the SNMPv2 credential, not the 
SNMPv1 one.

However, your issue here is not SNMPv1 vs SNMPv2, rather than the task 
you've scheduled on GLPI doesn't seem to run. Just try to force its 
execution, from GLPI.

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