[Fusioninventory-user] Deploying software with FusionInventory 9.1 + 1.1 plugin for GLPI

Gerhard Mourani gmourani at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 16:00:10 UTC 2017


I'm using FusionInventory 9.1 + 1.1 plugin with GLPI 9.1.5 and would like to deploy software. I've tried to follow instructions as described on the documentation but information from this document is outdated (http://fusioninventory.org/documentation/tasks/deploy/) and do not represent latest FusionInventory version. So I've started to do it from what I can imagine without success.

1 - Go to Deploy | Package management and added/created a new package (Firefox.exe to test).

2 - Then, go to Tasks | Task management and created a new task 'Task management' with following entries:
      Name : Deployment test
      Active : Checked
      Re-prepare a target-actor if previous run is successful : Checked
      Timeslot : 24x7
      Agent wakeup interval : 7
     Number of agents to wake up : 10
     The rest of the fields are empty.

3 - After that, I created a new 'Jobs configuration' with following entries:
     Name: Firefox deploy
     Module method: Package deploy
     Targets : My package I've created at step 1
     Actors : One of my Windows computer

4 - I've restarted the fusion inventory init script but since now, no firefox package installed on my Windows machine.

I don't know if I've forgetter something in my steps, thanks.


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