[Fusioninventory-user] ESX Fusioninventory Help

Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes narutospinal at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 13:51:49 GMT 2019

        I need to help, I use GLPI 9.2.2 + Fusioninventory 9.2+2.0.

I can use this commands and work:

fusioninventory-esx --host HOST --user ADMIN --password 'PASSWORD'
--directory /tmp
fusioninventory-injector -v --file /tmp/HOST.ocs -u

When I try to use on task management, but don't work. standing still on
prepared mode.
When I exucte fusioninventory-agent I Look this message: "esx support
disabled server side"

My Config:

Plugins --> FusionInventory --> connectivity --> Authentication for remote
devices (VMware)
I add User and Password

Plugins --> FusionInventory --> Remote devices to inventory (VMware)
I add name and IP

Plugins --> FusionInventory --> General --> General Configuration
I enable Vmware host remote inventory.

On logs don't show erros. Any idea?

                                        ♪ ♫  Luiz Guilherme Nunes
Fernandes  ♫ ♪
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