[libhid-discuss] help needed to read data

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Sun Aug 26 04:25:28 UTC 2007

On Aug 25, 2007, at 10:38 PM, Thomas Pellegrini wrote:

> "Specifically, in OS X, there is no way to claim exclusive control  
> over the
> device if the kernel HID module has already claimed it. (You can  
> write a
> custom stub driver with higher precedence than the kernel driver.)"

A "stub driver" isn't a driver in the traditional computer sense of  
the word - it's just a placeholder that tells the kernel not to let  
the generic HID kext bind to your device. If memory serves, it's just  
a bundle (directory) with a .plist that specifies the vendor and  
product IDs of the device.

I think there was a device called the "9button" or something - check  
the Apple USB archives via Google, and you should see some more info  
on this.

The other option is to work directly with Apple's HID API.

Charles Lepple

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