Distance Functor now merged with latest master in sb/bugfixes

Sylvain Bougerel sylvain.bougerel.devel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 04:48:53 UTC 2009


In the branch sb/bugfixes (no mistakes this time) I've merged the
changes for the distance functor with the changes from master.

test_kdtree.cpp and test_hayne.cpp are the version from the master,
they both compiled and passed without any modification.

So far the only distance functor tested is euclidean_distance. I
haven't tested manhattan_distance or fast_euclidean_distance yet.

I have added fast_euclidean_distance that is unsafe because it can
overflow, but will compute faster than the safer euclidean_distance.
However it is not the default distance functor for the tree, so you
need to declare your templates accordingly if you intend to use it.



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