Problem with autodialer, fbsd 5.2.1, usr external 56k, usb-to-serial cable
Mike Hunter
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 18:04:23 -0700
Hey everybody,
I'm wondering if I could get some advice on a problem I'm having. I have
an old pentium box running freebsd 5.2.1, with a USR 56k external modem
hooked up through a usb-to-serial connector (probably irrelevant, but
posting for completeness.)
So, I have the wonderful auto-dialer thing setup to dial a number, and I
can hear it dial it, and I can hear the other end pick up and the modems
train, but then the dialer just sits there and times out....I've been able
to actually escape to the black screen and it will sometimes be sitting
there connected....I've tried playing some with the baud rate + hardware
flow control settings, but I don't know what I'm missing...what settings
might influence minicom's notion of connectedness?
Thanks for any suggestions,
PS Please CC me as I'm not on the list