[Neurodebian-users] tbss_3 cannot open shared object

Jodene Fine finej at msu.edu
Wed Jun 1 12:48:40 UTC 2011

Dear neurodebian team,
I have just installed neurdebian with FSL on a VM (v4.0.8), with a
host directory containing my files on Windows 7.
When I try to run tbss_3_postreg -S on the data, I receive the following errors:

/usr/share/fsl/4.1/bin/fslhd: error while loading shared libraries:
libnewimage.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
[: 175: =: unexpected operator
affine-registering target to MNI152 space
/usr/share/fsl/4.1/bin/fslmaths: error while loading shared libraries:
libnewimage.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
/usr/share/fsl/4.1/bin/flirt: error while loading shared libraries:
libnewimage.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
transforming (and upsampling) all FA images into MNI152 space
/usr/share/fsl/4.1/bin/applywarp: error while loading shared
libraries: libmeshclass.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

I have checked to make sure that the files are actually in the
/usr/share/fsl/4.1/bin directory and they are.
echo $PATH results in:
echo $FSLDIR results in: /usr/share/fsl/4.1

I had already run tbss_1 and 2 on a different machine and had to switch...

Thanks so very much for your help.

Jodene Fine

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