[Neurodebian-users] OpenWalnut crashing at start
Christian Stephan-Otto
cstephanotto at pssjd.org
Thu Dec 20 15:10:36 UTC 2012
Dear neurodebian community,
I just installed OpenWalnut from the repository but it immediately crashes
when I try to run it. Any thoughts?
Thank you in advance,
*INFO [Logger] Initalizing Logger
*INFO [Logger]
*INFO [Logger] = Starting Log Session
*INFO [Logger]
*WARNING [Walnut] Could not open "openwalnut.log" for writing. You will
have no log-file.
*INFO [Walnut] Version: 1.2.5
*INFO [GUI] Bringing up GUI
*INFO [GE] Initializing Graphics Engine
*INFO [GE] Initializing OpenSceneGraph Root Node
*INFO [Kernel] Initializing Kernel
*INFO [Data Handler] Initializing Data Handler
*INFO [ModuleFactory] Loading Modules
*INFO [Module Loader] Searching modules in "/usr/bin/../lib/openwalnut".
*INFO [Kernel] Starting Kernel
*INFO [GE] Initializing OpenSceneGraph Root Node
*INFO [GE] Initializing OpenSceneGraph Root Node
*INFO [GE] Initializing OpenSceneGraph Root Node
*INFO [MainWindow] Restoring window state.
*INFO [GE] Starting Graphics Engine
Error: OpenGL version test failed, requires valid graphics context.
Exception thrown! Callstack's backtrace:
trace: WException::WException(std::string const&) ->
trace: WSegmentationFault::WSegmentationFault(std::string const&) ->
-> lib/libopenwalnut.so.1(_ZN16SignalTranslatorI18WSegmentationFaultE19SingletonTranslator13SignalHandlerEi+0xc3)
trace: () -> /lib/libc.so.6(+0x32230) [0x7f542f992230]
trace: () -> /lib/libc.so.6(+0x7bf32) [0x7f542f9dbf32]
trace: WGEViewer::QueryCallback::operator()(osg::RenderInfo&) const ->
trace: osgUtil::RenderStage::draw(osg::RenderInfo&, osgUtil::RenderLeaf*&)
-> /usr/lib/libosgUtil.so.65(_ZN7osgUtil11RenderStage4drawERN3osg10RenderInfoERPNS_10RenderLeafE+0x8b)
trace: osgUtil::SceneView::draw() ->
trace: osgViewer::Renderer::cull_draw() ->
trace: osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations() ->
trace: osgViewer::ViewerBase::renderingTraversals() ->
trace: osgViewer::ViewerBase::run() ->
trace: WGraphicsEngine::threadMain() ->
trace: boost::detail::thread_data<boost::function<void ()()> >::run()
-> lib/libopenwalnut.so.1(_ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataINS_8functionIFvvEEEE3runEv+0x3f)
trace: thread_proxy() -> /usr/lib/libboost_thread.so.1.42.0(thread_proxy+0x60)
trace: () -> /lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x68ca) [0x7f542f74a8ca]
trace: clone() -> /lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f542fa2fb6d]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'WSegmentationFault'
what(): Segmentation Fault.
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