[Neurodebian-users] Question about gbp.conf

Hänel Nikolaus Valentin valentin.haenel at epfl.ch
Mon May 7 20:36:01 UTC 2012


I am having trouble getting gbp.conf to work correctly.

I have the following tags:

zsh» git for-each-ref refs/tags/release
d0367d57bc9ad5a2a83ba2ce631edf2ccefaf6c6 tagrefs/tags/release/3.0_beta.20120309.1
ddc13667cffe822858a325adefcdf2dbe1ef1dd5 tagrefs/tags/release/3.0_beta.20120503.1

And my current upstream version is:

zsh» dpkg-parsechangelog  | grep Version
Version: 3.0~beta.20120503.1-1

And my debian/gbp.conf is:

zsh» cat gbp.conf
upstream-branch = master
debian-branch = debian
upstream-tag = release/%(version)s
debian-tag = debian/%(version)s

However, when I run git buildpackage, I get:

zsh» git buildpackage
psignifit_3.0~beta.20120503.1.orig.tar.gz does not exist, creating from 'master'

I couldn't find details on the syntax for upstream-tag in:


But maybe here someone knows?


Valentin Hänel
Scientific Software Developer
Blue Brain Project http://bluebrain.epfl.ch/

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