[Neurodebian-users] Condor, USB and KeyboardIdle problem

Kaj Wiik kjwiik at utu.fi
Mon Feb 18 12:10:20 UTC 2013


Perhaps better place to ask would be condor-users but as this is a 
linux-specific and probably debian-related problem...

Is there already a fix to the problem that USB keyboard/mice atime is 
not changed and so keyboard/mouse activity is not detected? I found that 
in the standard Neurodebian setup, activity detection does not work 
out-of-the-box (unfortunately from an affected user...).

Google gives three possible solutions (from 2008): kernel patch 
(uugh..), monitoring ttyN (does not work currently at least in Ubuntu) 
and an user-space helper deamon:


Has there been any progress on this I have missed?


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