[Neurodebian-users] FSL cluster error

Morgan Hough morgan.hough at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 05:28:54 UTC 2015

Hi Jian Hou,

It looks like you have cluster from graphviz higher up in your PATH. Check
"which cluster" to see which binary you are calling and "echo $PATH" to see
how your path is configured. Hope that helps.



On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 5:08 PM, jian hou <jianhou_nj at 126.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I performed a nonparametric 1-sample t-test (randomise -i my4Dfile -o
> OneSampT -1 -T) and then reported cluster results using the following
> command:
> cluster -i OneSampT_corrp_tstat1 -t 0.95 -mm
> However, I got an error which read:
> ~~~~~~
> option -i unrecognized - ignored
> Usage: cluster <options> graphfile
>     -C k - generate no more than k clusters (0)
>        0 : no limit
>     -c k - use clustering method k (0)
>        0 : use modularity
>        1 : use modularity quality
>     -o <outfile> - output file (stdout)
>     -v   - verbose mode
>     -?   - print usage
> ~~~~~~
> Could you please guide me how can I fix my problem?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Jian Hou
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