[Neurodebian-users] FSL 5.0.9

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 14:40:09 UTC 2015


On Oct 7, 2015 4:29 PM, "Anna Manelis" <anna.manelis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Neurodebian developers,
> When do you plan to upgrade FSL from 5.0.8 to to 5.0.9 in Neurodebian?

Soon, but it won't be extremely soon. There are a bunch of things to
implement for this upgrade....and many emails to answer that ask "when can
I upgrade". I took it upon myself to never respond with the exact same
answer twice, so it is taking up most of my creative energy. ;-)

But seriously: it is in the works.

> If you don't plan such upgrade soon, how can we upgrade to 5.0.9 on
Debian using the source patch recently release by FSL (

You can install 5.0.9 at any time using the standard installer from Oxford.
The patches wont work, because they want to patch an oxford release. Don't
support for this though -- I'd rather update the package...


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