[Neurodebian-users] ND menus

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Wed Mar 2 13:59:16 UTC 2016

On Wed, 02 Mar 2016, Bennet Fauber wrote:
> > nd-autoinstall -p fsl-5.0-core fsl5.0-fsl

> > NB note that no sudo should be needed, we don't want to run FSL as root,
> > do we? ;-)

> I included the sudo because, running it from the command line, that
> bypassed the extra step.  No, I wouldn't put the sudo in the menu
> item.  :-)

> > could you check if that would work for you?

> I works from the command line, but there seems to be some sort of menu
> item caching that I'm not able to negate, so the menu persists with
> the old command in it.

> I looked online for a cache-flushing but the several I found seemed
> ineffectual.  Perhaps I am searching using the wrong terms.

> I used the menu editor, which then created a new, personal ND menu
> with nothing but FSL 5.0 in it, that had the correct command in it,
> and that did work.  So, if I can find a menu flusher, I think it will
> be good.

I believe that sudo update-desktop-database I believe should do it
but it indeed seems to be not sufficient for me either :-/  dunno yet
but I guess if we update package to this target invocation, on fresh
upgrades and after reboots it should kick in, so I will just do that

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience     http://centerforopenneuroscience.org
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
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