[Neurodebian-users] Displaying amplitude integrated electroencephalography

Sebastian Niehaus niehaus at web.de
Wed Nov 2 16:04:48 UTC 2016

Hi, Yaroslav,

thank you very much for you reply.

2016-11-02 14:25 GMT+01:00 Yaroslav Halchenko <debian at onerussian.com>:
> On Tue, 01 Nov 2016, Sebastian Niehaus wrote:

>> amplitdude integrated electroencephalography is an quite common
>> dignostic method in neonatology. Does anyone have some experience
>> using open source tools to viev aEEG Data (sigviewer, edfdisplay ...)
>> We just ran into the trap of proprietary file formats reslting in many
>> .BRM-Files and a very little supported software even for windows
>> systems.
>> Before purchasing a new aEEG device I would like to evaluate if there
>> are experiences with Open Source tools reading and displaying
>> (neonatal) eEEG data.

> Sorry to hear you struggling due to proprietary file formats lock in :-/
> Let's see if we could help you to get out of it.
> Quick google search gave me no results on .BRM, even biosig has no
> mentioning of it: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED
> (CCing Alois who might know more).  What is the manufacturer of the
> equipment producing those precious files?

It is a "Brainz BRM 3 Brain Monitor",
support at least in germany is close to nonexistent, since the device
has reached the end of service ...
Therefore we need to buy a new device as soon as the hardware fails.

Files produced by this device are tar archives with xml-metadata files
and some raw EEG data I have no idea how to interpret them. Anyways,
since the monitor si out of service I would not care too much about
reading those files.

What is much more important to me is to make sure, the next device we
might buy is able to export to some open file formats.

> SfN is upcoming, so if they
> would be there I could inquire "in person".

Not really an option for me, since I am located in germany ...

> But also since question is not NeuroDebian specific, you might
> have better chances also by asking at https://neurostars.org/ and
> http://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/mne_analysis

Thank you very much!


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