[Neurodebian-users] Trying build mriqc singularity from Docker

Yaroslav Halchenko yoh at onerussian.com
Sun Oct 8 15:53:25 UTC 2017

Iirc by default contrib and non-free portions aren't enabled. You would need to add them to the apt file. If still have a problem let me know and I will provide fill recipe

On October 7, 2017 1:03:24 PM EDT, Bennet Fauber <bennet at umich.edu> wrote:
>I create a Singularity container using this singularity image
>definition file.
>Bootstrap: shub
>From: singularityhub/neurodebian
>I get an image.  When I try to instal fsl-core, I get
>>  apt-get install fsl-core
>Reading package lists... Done
>Building dependency tree
>Reading state information... Done
>Package fsl-core is not available, but is referred to by another
>This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
>is only available from another source
>E: Package 'fsl-core' has no installation candidate
>That agrees with
>>  apt-cache search fsl
>. . . .
>fslview - viewer for (f)MRI and DTI data
>fslview-doc - Documentation for FSLView
>. . . .
>and if I
>> apt-get install fslview
>I do get a long list of packages that will install.
>I am really trying to resolve an issue with the mriqc Docker image
>that is missing libGLw.so.1, and I was thinking if I could build the
>ND Singularity image, I might make some headway.
>Which of the wrong paths have I taken?
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