[Nut-upsdev] bcmxcp: stop whining (and log spamming)

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 21:49:31 UTC 2006

[still on small deserved holidays, but forced to enter the round in
that kind of thread!]

first thing first, be constructive in your mails. Most nut developers
and contributors are benevolants, as for other FLOSS developers. It's
rare to have a "kudos" mail for our work, and your mail (as shown) are
offensive to most of us!

Next, about your issues:

1) the fact that you're seing "new connexion" msg is either due to
real unsolicited connexions, but most probably to the fact that you're
using a exotic monitoring method (== not upsmon).

There is a session mechanism, as used in upsmon, that prevent that
kind of logs. So you might be using some kind of upsc in a shell
script, which might be considered bad as it cause your kind of issue.
Otherwise, you'll have to use upsd's ACL to avoid unsollicited connexions...

Finally, and as told by Peter, there are (or should be) configurable
mechanisms in your logd daemon. If not, consider bugging obsd people
to switch to something more appropriate.

2) the driver is not buggy. If you face wrong chksum, it's really that
the board is buggy! I'm not sure about the firmware pb (too quickly
read the thread)

Finally,  I understand the hanger of being borred by such things.
And we are open to discussion (the proofs are that your mails have
been approved, though you're not subscribed, and that I'm considering
your patch).

But you shouldn't think you've got almighty knowledge because you run
obsd. Once more, there are ways to report problems, ask for info, and
submit patches in the FLOSS world. And this is definitively not the
path you've taken first.

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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