[Nut-upsdev] Driver for Cyberpower PR2200

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Wed Apr 25 18:03:37 UTC 2007

> From the description of that shutdown (the exact same type of
> crash/shutdown the old cpsups driver did with my UPS), it sounds like we
> need to reset the RTS/DTR and clear the buffer like we did with the
> powerpanel driver when sending a command...

That's quite possible. It looks like the cyberpower driver is at least
able to communicate with the UPS, although it seems that part of the
protocol is not implemented. We can fix that though, provided we get
enough data from Russ. Portmon is our friend.

> The newer upses must be a more sensitive with the DTR. I don't believe it
> would break the driver.

I agree. We'll see what the output from the serial port sniffing brings us.

Best regards, Arjen

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