[Nut-upsdev] [Nut-upsuser] Powerware 9155 with SNMP card

Bernd Markgraf Bernd.Markgraf at med.ovgu.de
Fri Aug 10 11:21:57 UTC 2007

Hi again,

one more question regarding pwmib.h

        { "output.voltage", 0, 1.0, PW_OID_OUT_VOLTAGE ".0", "",
                SU_OUTPUT_1, NULL },
        { "output.current", 0, 0.1, PW_OID_OUT_CURRENT ".0", "",
                SU_OUTPUT_1, NULL },
        { "output.realpower", 0, 0.1, PW_OID_OUT_POWER ".1", "",
                SU_OUTPUT_1, NULL },

I added .0 for the current. Why does output.realpower query .1 instead
of .0? For the current .0 and .1 report the same value. for the
realpower the value differs a little... though this might be due to
slightly changing load?


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