[Nut-upsdev] [nut-commits] svn commit r1049 - in trunk: . drivers

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Tue Aug 14 08:33:53 UTC 2007

>> Is this really needed/desirable? I think this kind of information needs
>> to be put in the AUTHORS document. There are many more people on this
>> list that put a lot of effort in NUT, without claiming credit so openly.
>> Just my 2c.
> I agree that this information should be in the AUTHORS document, but I
> also thing the driver banner should mention someone that's responsible
> for answering questions about it. Users tend to contact whoever gets
> its name printed on the console.

And that's exactly why I think this should not be in the banner. :-)

> I get a few emails about megatec_usb because my name gets printed by
> the megatec "core", and while I'm not bothered by it per se, I can't
> usually give any decent answer, and the user would be better off just
> contacting the subdriver maintainer(s) directly.

The problem I have with putting this in the driver, is that in many cases,
drivers long outlive the commitment of their authors to maintain them.
Also, you may have other things on your mind and have no time to answer
questions. If people have questions, they should go to the 'nut-upsuser'
mailinglist, not contact authors directly.

Fortunately, there are currently just a handful of drivers that list an
author: megatec(_usb), solis and upscode2. I we should remove those from
the banner.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

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