[Nut-upsdev] Asking hard questions about the NUT architecture

Ronald Reed rreed at ops.sgp.arm.gov
Wed May 30 03:57:11 UTC 2007

Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Rob MacGregor <rob.macgregor at gmail.com>:
>> However, back in the human world, why shouldn't the admin know that
>> the power has gone out and the system is now on battery support?
> The UPSes I use normally make *noise* when that happens :-)

Yes, they make noise. But when they are on the other side of the planet, 
in a room where no one is going to hear it, what good does a little 
beeping do?

>> That'll be that Linux centric view again - FreeBSD doesn't support
>> SIGPWR (and, if I'm honest, it's USB support is still relatively
>> immature comparted to Linux), but it works just fine as a NUT master.
> What does BSD use as a power-fail signal, then?
You keep talking like the system keeps going for a short time when the 
power fails. My servers need to know when the batteries on the UPS get 
low so that they can shut down properly. I have a total of 4 servers and 
a router plugged into a UPS, and this setup is repeated at several sites 
in Australia, Paupa New Guinea, Nauru, and a couple of sites in Alaska. 
One of those servers at each site is a NFS server. I can tell you from 
experience, if the clients that have open files on the NFS do not 
shutdown before the NFS does, the whole share can get messed up beyond 
all repair. Journaled or not.

NUT is designed for servers and such. If it doesn't fill your needs, why 
don't you create your own project for the single end-user crowd.

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