[Nut-upsdev] Krauler UP-D1200VA

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Fri Sep 7 07:20:19 UTC 2007

> Some words about shutdown.. It seems there are commands similar to
> S<n>R0000
> (UPS will never turn itself on when the utility is recovered after these
> commands, it needs to be done manually by pressing the power button). The
> settings window allows to choose <n> from the interval 0.2, 0.3, ..., 0.9,
> 1, 2, ..., 99 minutes. I'm confused by the relation between the value I
> choose and the real time before the shutdown, may be the service or even
> Windows restart is required for properly setting the value, because this
> damn piece of software consists of three parts - rupsmon service, usbmate
> helper and UPSilon2000 GUI client. Here are some observations:
> command sent by UPSilon - time before UPS shutdown
> 0x18 - 20 sec
> 0x28 - 24 sec
> 0x38 - 30 sec
> 0x68 - 12 sec
> 0x78 - 52 sec
> 0x88 - 1 min 42 sec
> Answer to any of these is "UPS No Ack". More testing is needed.

Have you tried sending the same command a couple of times? Some UPS'es
will translate the delay time to a number of 'ticks'. A tick may be tens
of seconds, which means that you'll get an uncertainty in the actual delay
depending both on the rounding to the timer ticks and the time when you
send the command. For instance, a UPS that uses a tick of 32 seconds, may
round any delay between 1 and 32 seconds to 1 tick and the actual delay
can be anything between 0 and 32 seconds (depening on how long it takes
for the next tick).

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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