[Nut-upsdev] Powercom support and sponsorship

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Mon Nov 9 21:33:22 UTC 2009

Citeren Alexander Gordeev <lasaine op lvk.cs.msu.su>:

>> Could you do the same, but now at debug level 3 (-DDD). I would like
>> to see the raw dump of the report descriptor too, to see where the
>> error is. My guess is that there is something wrong with the
>> contents of the report descriptor, that might allocate too little
>> room for the reports.
> Sure, attached it.

Bad news, the report descriptor is badly broken for the reports I  
mentioned (and a couple of others too). This needs to be fixed by  
Powercom, we can't do anything about that. Note that it is extremely  
unlikely that the Logical Minimum and Logical Maximum values for the  
battery voltage are 100 and 230 respectively.

It looks like the person who wrote this, did copy-and-paste a couple  
of reports and forgot to change them to the final values. The fact that


all report a value of '212' is a tell tale sign for this. Could it be  
that you have a prototype model? And that the final firmware is still  
being developed? If not, Powercom seems to have a serious problem.

Best regards, Arjen
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