[Nut-upsdev] Status of cyberpower driver

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Sat Oct 10 13:27:14 UTC 2009

Citeren Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev op gmail.com>:

> to be fully clear: we are interested in the outputs of powerpanel with your
> unit:
> - the driver debug output:
> $ /path/to/powerpanel -DDDDD -a <upsname>
> - the upsc (and maybe upsrw, upscmd) output (don't forget to have powerpanel
> and upsd running)
> $ upsc <upsname>
> this kind of info will greatly help us in the final round.

Correction, we're *not* interested in the above output. It won't help  
us in further driver development. Only if you happen to use a 'high  
mains' (220 - 240 V nominal) version CyberPower UPS, I would be  
interested in a dump of the serial communications between the Windows  
PowerPanel program (provided by CyberPower) and the UPS.

Reason is that a couple of months ago I wrote a UPS simulator for the  
'low mains' (100 - 120 V nominal) version, so that I'm able to confirm  
that the NUT driver behaves in a similar way as the ones provided by  
CyberPower (I can fully control the 'UPS' output values to the  
driver). This doesn't work for the 'high mains' version though, since  
that seems to require some additional info from the UPS to tell the  
Windows driver that this is a 'high mains' UPS. I haven't figured this  
out yet and no user has provided this info so far (despite asking  
several times).

Best regards, Arjen
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